The science of real estate: how to find your groove

The 5am club, the 9am call list and ‘win the morning, win the day’ – chances are you’ve heard each of these sentiments once or twice in your career but does that mean they’re right for you?

Yes, there’s merit in all of the above for a host of really good reasons, but these are not commandments set in stone that every agent must adhere to.

The above rules of thumb work for many in the industry, but, as with anything, there are exceptions to the rule.

Ultimately, it’s about finding what works for you (and your clients) and setting a routine that caters to your work groove.

The value of routine

The great thing about routine is that it sets you free. It liberates you from the endless question of ‘what to do next?’

In an industry like real estate, routine is often the foundation of a successful career. After all, this is a role where you are the keeper of your own schedule.

On one hand that’s incredibly appealing, but on the other this ability to do what you want, when you feel like it presents a major challenge that some find hard to overcome.

That’s where routine comes into play, and while it doesn’t have to involve 5am alarms and strict 9am call lists, it should involve a structure that allows you to complete non-negotiable tasks each day.

Most importantly, it should play to your personal strengths and prime productive hours as well as catering to the ‘farm’ area in which you work.

Your prime productive hours

Yes, some of us are morning people. We love to get an early start and plough headlong into the day, with a good couple of hours of productivity under our belt before we even arrive at the office, ready to tackle any challenge that comes our way.

For others, the morning is a slower affair. It takes us a little longer to wind up and hit our stride, but come the early evening, there’s still plenty of fuel left in the tank to answer emails and finalise the day.

The point here is that everyone inherently knows the hours during which they are most productive, and it pays to factor this into your routine.

Your service area

While tapping into your own prime productive hours is important, the routine and schedule of your service area is also an important element to factor in.

For example, appraisals are often scheduled for the afternoon, but in an area where both decision makers are at work during those hours, your appraisals and face to face vendor meetings might be better scheduled in the early evening.

You know what you need to do

In your career and in your personal life, you know what you need to do, but it’s important to create rituals to ensure these activities occur.

Whether it’s action lists, calendar appointments, scheduled tasks, morning rituals, me time and work start times, creating a routine around these sets you free.

The clock keeps you moving and progress is made.

If your routine is not currently working for you, you need to work to find one that will. Just because it works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Pull it apart. Piece it back together. Whatever works for you, that’s your work groove.

Find your groove

An effective week is made up of effective workdays, and effective workdays are split between AM and PM priorities.

AM is opportunity creation. It’s the time for outbound calls, high priority negotiations, deal making, price alignments, and offer extraction.

PM is for face-to-face appointments – buyer inspections, appraisals, vendor meetings and offer presentations.

Work the AM/PM system and make it work for you. Create the blueprint that will continually elevate your career and life.

Working to your work groove is a game changer, both mentally and on a productivity level. Find your groove, work your groove, and enjoy the inevitable results.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency, Australia’s first multi-brand real estate network.

For all enquiries and more information on how the Agents’Agency can help you take your career to the next level, please visit https://www.agentsagency.com.au or email hello@agentsagency.com.au

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Manos Findikakis

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents'Agency, Australia's first multi-brand real estate network.

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