EPM: Customer Service
What matters most
Why is there the need for more innovation in property management in Australia? It’s because renting a property is such a difficult experience in this country,filled with administrative tasks – from communicating with stakeholders, filing paperwork, meeting legal requirements or dealing with maintenance issues. This rings true for everyone involved in the process. Also, today’s customer expectations mean they have…
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It’s time to change
The 2018 Voice of Australian Property Management Report revealed the best property management businesses are well led, have great career structures in place and encourage their teams to be more than just property administrators. Yet only one in four property managers feel this way about their business; 28 per cent of property managers talk the industry down and 12 per…
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5 ways property management needs to change
The 2018 Voice of Australian Property Management report found that property management is suffering from a high level of disillusionment and defection from the industry, with the bulk of those employed in the sector passive about their roles. Here’s what needs to change in 2019: 1 How we work needs to change The data revealed that while most property managers…
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EPM: Leadership
Why EQ triumphs over IQ
Being a leader often meant you had to be the smartest person in the room or the person with the most grey hairs. But things have changed. Importantly, strong leadership can be the difference between a thriving and successful business, and one that suffers under the pressures of disruptive change. So what does it take to be a successful leader…
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Elite Agent
Stress-free end of financial year
Here are five things you can do to ease the EOFY burden. 1: PAY OUTSTANDING INVOICES The EOFY tends to see phones running hot and inboxes overflowing. Owners want the peace of mind of knowing that any outstanding invoices relating to their property are paid before the clock ticks over to a new financial year. When you receive a request…
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EPM: Leadership
A Simple Roadmap to Review your Business and Reap the Rewards: Alister Maple-Brown
What can we learn from past performance? Often when looking forward we forget to take the lessons from the past. Reviewing your people, processes and systems is a great way to understand what does and doesn’t work for you, and will put you in a strong position for growth in the year ahead. Here’s are my eight simple steps to review…
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Transform PM Insights: Foreword
Introducing Insights #1From Alister Maple-Brown, CEO, Rockend. It has been a privilege for Rockend to be a part of the inaugural Transform PM program this year. This program provided four agencies with the opportunity to take a step back and analyse their business with the guidance and coaching of industry professionals. Over the nine weeks it has been fascinating to…
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Brand Editorial
Smart Homes: A Window to the Future
The humble window has always been iconic, a go-to design differentiator for architects and an important feature for homeowners. With the increase in the number of ‘smart homes’ now popping up, their features may soon even include the ability for self-cleaning. The term ‘smart home’ conjures up images of modern architectural masterpieces of the future, complete with robot butlers and…
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Brand Editorial
Rockend Rolls Out New Benchmarking Tool
I’M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE a new product which sits within Rockend’s core service offering. Our latest development, realbenchmark, is a cloud-based business intelligence solution for Rockend’s REST Professional clients. The new platform boasts a one-click, highly visual dashboard that allows property managers to easily compare and analyse their KPI data results in one place. Being cloud-based it is accessible on…
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Planning for Success
IMAGINE YOU’RE AT A DINNER PARTY in 12 months’ time and someone asks you to explain your business to them. What will you say? Is that explanation any different to what you would say if they asked you today? WHAT ARE the differences between your business now and where you want to be in 12 months? And how did you…
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What’s Your Disaster Recovery Plan?
New South Wales recently experienced some of the worst flooding and storms we’ve seen in over 10 years. Many businesses were left without electricity for days, and some were completely destroyed in the horrific flooding. Alister Maple-Brown, CEO of Rockend, discusses how you can take better precautions to protect your critical business data. As you can imagine, unexpected events like…
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