Ray White AKG has had a flurry of landlords joining their service offering in the past three months.
The service-focused group comprising Ray White Daisy Hill and Marsden on Brisbaneโs south, led by principal Avi Khan, has secured the management of more than 122 properties in just three months.
โWe pride ourselves on our service and itโs great to see the team rewarded for their hard work through landlordsโ referrals,โ Ray White AKG Director of Property Management Rachael Curtis said.
โWe have a 4.9 rating on Google with more than 600 satisfied clients.
“The industry has gone through immense change and is in the midst of more change.
“We believe that landlords have made the determination that we are best equipped for the change.โ
Ms Curtis said Ray White AKG had positioned itself for growth by recruiting experienced property managers and using industry-leading technology.
โBy truly understanding our consumers’ demands, we are able to provide the right technology platforms to give our landlords access to information 24/7,” she said.
‘Our clients are never left waiting days for a response, it’s simultaneous for them to access reports and information at the touch of a button.”
Ray White AKG’s investors can also select when their rent is paid, using the agency’s portal to make transfers at their discretion.
“We genuinely feel we have the formula for award winning service by truly listening to what our clients want,” Ms Curtis said.
“When you merge experienced property managers with the best technology, the result for landlords is always optimal.
โI am proud of how our team has adjusted to uncertainty and change in the industry. Instead of withdrawing, weโre expanding and exploring new business options and avenues.โ
Mr Khan said the growth of the property management arm of the business reflected his team’s pursuit of exemplary service standards.
“Weโve all worked tirelessly for our landlords and taken the time to understand their investment journey,” he said.
Ray White AKG Head of Property Management Growth Rebecca Turner said clients naturally gravitated to trusted operators and the team had demonstrated it was a safe pair of hands, not just through COVID-19 but also in today’s surging market.
“Buyers are paying more for property and getting an expert property manager is more crucial than ever before,” she said.
Ray White Group Chief Executive Officer of Property Management, Emily Sim said hyper growth was an exciting prospect.
โBeing able to maintain client satisfaction comes down to experienced property managers and superior technology,” she said.
“Ray White Marsden and Daisy Hill are structured to support their new clients expectations.
“Growth of these proportions is widely sought and rarely secured, it is the qualified property/client managers and technology combination that is supporting Ray White Marsden and Daisy Hill to maintain their momentum.”
Ray White AKG offers a one-stop property experience and can facilitate services including refinancing of investment loans, depreciation schedules and conveyancing.
“We are humbled to be able to say, ‘Your journey starts and finishes with Ray White AKG’,” Mr Khan said.