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Jonathan Creek and Samantha McLean: How AI is transforming Australian real estate

Once upon a time, Artificial Intelligence was stuff of science fiction novels, but today it’s increasingly part of the everyday real estate journey.

The big question is, how can agents use it to their advantage?

In the latest episode of Spring into Action, Virable founder and host Jonathan Creek interviews Elite Agent Managing Editor Samantha McLean about how real estate agents can tap into AI and use it to do more with less and get ahead of their competition.

Samantha and Jonathan delve deep into how AI can not only streamline operations but also offer unprecedented advantages in customer engagement and data analysis.

Here are five key takeaways from that conversation:

  1. Time efficiency: AI has the capability to automate many routine tasks in a real estate business, such as data entry, appointment scheduling, and even initial customer queries. 

By reducing the manual labour involved in these repetitive tasks, staff can free up their time. 

Sam insists that this saved time should be seen as an asset that can be redirected towards more value-added activities like client engagement or strategic planning.

  1. Smart use of saved time: The real benefit of AI, according to Sam, isn’t just in the time it saves but in how that saved time is then used. 

She suggests that businesses should be strategic in reallocating this time to areas that contribute to growth or client satisfaction, rather than just enjoying the extra free time. 

For instance, you could use the saved time to focus on customer relationship management, thereby building a stronger, more loyal client base.

  1. Adaptability: Implementing AI is not a set-it-and-forget-it operation. Sam says that agencies need to be adaptable in their approach. 

This involves monitoring the performance of AI tools, understanding where they may fall short, and being willing to make adjustments accordingly. 

This could mean fine-tuning algorithms or even switching to different AI tools if certain ones don’t deliver as expected.

  1. Content creation: In an era where digital presence is vital, Sam points out that AI can help generate various types of digital content. 

From curating blog posts to generating scripts for social media platforms like TikTok, AI tools can help a real estate business maintain an active and engaging online profile. 

The right content not only attracts more clients but also establishes the business as an industry leader.

  1. Improved communication: Conflict management is an inevitable part of any business, and real estate is no exception. 

Sam highlights that AI can assist in managing difficult conversations, particularly when you have to deliver news that a client may not want to hear. 

Using AI to craft diplomatic yet clear messages can help navigate these tricky situations while maintaining a positive relationship with the client.

If you want to learn more about the application of AI in real estate in a day than most programs can teach in a week, then Samantha’s McLean’s accelerated, AI Powered Agents workshop is for you.

The four original workshops sold out and now Sam has added five additional dates to keep up with demand, both here and in New Zealand.

Things will kick off in Canberra on October 26, followed by Wellington (November 28), Auckland (November 30), Sydney (December 5) and Adelaide (December 7).

Click here to register.

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