Jet Xavier: How to keep climbing when the going gets tough

โ€œ Gratefulness changes your nervous system, it changes your immune system. It changes how you think. Why? Because it stops all the things that are not important and it focuses you back on what's important.โ€ - Jet Xavier

Before the global health crisis that is the Coronavirus pandemic hit hard, we picked Jet Xavierโ€™s brain about how to stay on track and get back on top during tough times.

Little did we know how fortuitous that conversation would become. 

In this enlightening episode of Elevate, Jet shares some of his top tips and best kept secrets to help you manage yourself and your business in uncertain times and tough markets.

Perhaps none is more important than his advice on coping with feelings of overwhelm and how we can help our body process the fight or flight response to stay at our very best.

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The more you write in real estate, the more successful you are. What’s success? How do you define it? It’s different for every individual, and I think for me it’s holistic. How healthy are you? How’s your relationships? How’s your family? How’s your parenting? Tick those boxes, that’s what success is in a broader sense. – Jet Xavier

In this podcast Samantha and Jet discuss:

  • How to boost your motivation when the going gets tough, including the importance of being laser focused on your passions and key drivers.
  • Eliminating distractions from your day, including how to decide which task should take priority.
  • How to survive in a tough market and what to do to ensure you manage the transition to a buoyant market with your best foot forward.
  • How to make balancing your career and your family life a top priority, including why you have to put yourself first.
  • The power of meditation and how it can silence the negative voices in your head in just minutes.
  • Jet analyses 2019 and the two distinct markets it produced.
  • Just how happy are those in the real estate industry? Jet reveals the findings from the latest Revive report and what we need to do to beat mental health stigma in the industry.
  • How the Rise2020 conference will help the industry become more mentally healthy and how to avoid the trap of the comparison game on social media.
  • Jet shares his top tips on topics such as how to deal with work-life balance, eliminating distractions, boosting motivation and coping when feeling overwhelmed.


Jet’s Elite Agent articles:

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For access to Jet Xavier’s Action Guide click here

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Samantha McLean

Samantha McLean is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Elite Agent and Host of the Elevate Podcast.