Ask Jo: What steps can our PM agency put in place to maximise personal safety?

As a property management business owner, you cannot simply assume that your team are safe while they are working.

Since their safety is of utmost importance, it is crucial to take necessary precautions to protect them while they are in and out of your office.

Here are some steps you could take to help maximise their personal safety.

Wear body cameras

Law enforcement officials wear body cameras to prevent attacks and keep them safe.

The same principle applies to your property management team.

Wearing body cameras can deter perpetrators from violating your team’s safety and make team members think twice before escalating a heated situation since they are being recorded.

Body cameras are essential for every property management agency as they do not infringe upon privacy rights.

Instead, they help prevent attacks and protect your team.

Additionally, they can provide valuable evidence in the case of an investigation.

Track your team’s movements

It is important to track your team’s movements to help keep them safe.

Although some property managers may perceive this as micromanagement, the benefits of tracking far outweigh this view.

By tracking your team when they are out and about, you have the opportunity to take immediate action if needed.

Moreover, tracking provides peace of mind that your team is safe, and a simple phone call can trigger an immediate response if any concerns arise.

Know your team’s movements

In addition to tracking your team, you should also know their planned movements to proactively ensure their safety.

It is not enough for your team members to inform you that they are inspecting or showing properties; you need to know their exact location at any given time.

For example, if team members plan to take breaks during an extended period on the road, make sure you include it in their schedules.

Knowing their locations, expected arrival times, and expected length of times at properties, you can immediately identify any safety concerns.

Train your team

Your team must know how to react in situations where they feel threatened. Often, their actions, words, or reactions can escalate situations, leading to more danger.

To avoid such scenarios, you should train your team on how to de-escalate situations using their body language, words, and temperaments.

Such training can help them make smart decisions if they ever find themselves in danger.

It is crucial that this training is not only about learning self-defence but also about understanding how to use the power of words to negotiate themselves out of situations as safely as possible.

Say no to double teaming

Property managers increasingly believe that teaming up for safety is a good idea.

However, it is not always feasible to send two team members to the same job.

Moreover, if a team member feels threatened, it should be deemed unsafe for them (or any other team member) to go to the property in question.

Even if you send two team members to attend a property due to a perceived or actual threat, it may be considered irresponsible.

Sending your team to high-risk situations could be seen as placing them at risk and make you liable for any harm that occurs.

Additionally, it could render your insurance invalid if claims are made.

As a result, it is important to say no to double teaming and act in line with legislation to protect your team’s safety.

Implement safety action plans

The current state of the world has resulted in a rise in unprovoked attacks in the property management industry.

This is why it is important to have safety action plans in place at your agency.

For instance, you should have policies for dealing with everything from phone threats to clients wielding weapons.

Your team should know how to respond, so they can protect their personal safety.

It is important to acknowledge that dangerous situations could happen to anyone, including your team members.

So, I recommend that you, as the property management business owner, take these and other steps to help maximise your team’s personal safety and protect your agency at all times.

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Jo-Anne Oliveri

A leading authority on all thing’s property management, Jo-Anne Oliveri, CIPS, TRC, is the Founder and Managing Director of ireviloution, Kaboudle, Property Management Academy, and author of Find Your Property Manager NOW. Visit to find out more.