Episode 50: The psychology of change with Pancho Mehrotra

Guest Interview: Samantha McLean talks to sales psychologist Pancho Mehrotra of Frontier Performance about the key motivators behind making change, the difficulties associated with change and how to recognise when change is necessary.

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Episode host: Samantha McLean
Special guests: Pancho Mehrotra


02:00ย  ย  An introduction to Pancho Mehrota’s work in sales psychology
03:30ย  ย  Pancho’s article on ‘What does it take to change?’
04:00ย  ย  Pain or discontent is the main motivator of change, and is mostly circumstantial
06:00ย  ย  Example case study of a smoker and why change is relative to one’s personal values.
08:30ย  ย  If you continue to play your competitor’s game and it’s not your strength, you’re in a losing battle.
09:30ย  ย  Your goals (or change) can be reached via different paths, using your individual strengths to get there.
10:00ย  ย  How to identify your USP and your strengths
11:30ย  ย  Setting an ‘ideal week’ creates a label and risks adding anxiety about how you ‘should’ be.
12:30ย  ย  Transform 2018: What’s the best form of communication for agents?
13:00ย  ย  Pancho on whether agents should change the way they communicate to clients
14:00ย  ย  When an agent cares and understands their client, their dialogue naturally changes to suit them
16:45ย  ย  The process behind making change stays relatively the same in both business and personal life.
18:00ย  ย  Write down your reasons for change; don’t stop at ten and keep going.
18:30ย  ย  Analyse why you do what you do and how you habitually react to obstacles to justify making change
19:30ย  ย  Journaling; seeing your thoughts on paper allows you to reflect deeper
21:00ย  ย  The fight-or-flight response towards fear with making changes and
22:00ย  ย  Thinking can be associated with being painful, and is why most people are afraid to change
23:30ย  ย  How we can remind ourselves that change is good; by identifying your greater purpose
24:00ย  ย  Pancho’s 3-step method on how to effectively make change, including having self-awareness.

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