Elite AgentElite Agent TVTransformTransform 2016 Coach

Connecting with Clients and Eliciting Buying Strategy with Charmaine Keegan

Charmaine Keegan from Smarter Selling discusses how you can connect better with your buyers and figure out their buying strategy using a combination of personality styles and NLP techniques.

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Agentboxย providedย our Super Six with access to their software for the Transform period and also provided someย training to them. See the Agentbox training session here


Mindset coach Jet Xavier and Charmaine Keegan from Smarter Selling

Coaching Links:

  • For more information about Charmaine, Click here

Video Notes/Transcript:

00:00 Introduction and Sessionย Overview: Samantha McLean

01:00 Everything we do is controlled by strategy

If you could understand how to communicate with somebody and behave differently, and you understand the order and sequence in which that person processes information, it means that you can deliver back in the same order and sequence, or solution to that person. That language will make total sense to them. It’s one of the most powerful parts of neuro-linguistic programming. It’s right up there with something that could be a complete game changer in your industry. Every single thing we do, every part of the day is run through a strategy.

The way you get out of bed this morning, how you opened up the door, how you dressed, how you walk down maybe a corridor, how you put the kettle on, how you decided to walk to the bathroom, what clothes to wear, how you decide to go on public transport or not to go on public, what you saw on the public transport, how you got into the car, every single element of our behaviour, is controlled by strategy.

01:57 When Strategy Differs

We are normally completely unaware of the strategy, until somebody runs one differently. For example, recently I went to the cinema. I can sit anywhere in the cinema, but the reality is, I was with a friend, and her strategy was to sit in a certain place. She sat in a place I would never sit in. Then it becomes apparent to you, if somebody isn’t running the same strategy as you, you’re then aware of it. I felt it feels weird to sit in this place. I would never sit in this area at a cinema, and the same for public transport.

I’ve just got on a public transport with somebody and they wanted to sit in a different place, I normally think I like to sit anywhere, but clearly I have a strategy, that certain people are on, I sit in certain places and I don’t sit in other places. If you’re communicating with somebody exactly the same way as they neurologically think, it’s seamless, but if you do it differently in your language rather than their language, the communication becomes harder. Does that make sense?

02:49 Eliciting Information

Recently here in Sydney, I met a guy called Paul, and he was an English guy. My English friend, Dom, who rides a motorbike, that’s worth it for the story, he said, “Can you meet Paul, he wants to know something aboutย Digital Media?” I said, “Yeah, no problem. It’s not to doย with my business, but I’ve been in Digital Media for a long time.” I met with Paul.

As I met with Paul … This is how powerful strategies are, this is why it just can blow me away. I went to shake his hands, and as I shake his hand and said, “Hello”, I noticed he had on a really nice watch on, and I mentioned his watch. We’re in the corner of the coffee shop in North Sydney. I said, “Nice watch,ย  Paul.” He said, “Oh, thanks.” I said, “Tell me about this watch,” as we’re walking toward our table. The table is about 2 or 4 metres away. As he sat down, you know, he’s got a rugby player-type build, he took off this beautiful blue velvet jacket, and as he did so, I saw him touch it, because point ofย sales is if you’reย very aware, and I saw him gently touch it, and even look at it as he took it down and put it on his seat.

Iย said, “Nice jacket,” and he said, “Yeah, I bought it last Saturday,” and he told me about this jacket. Then I thought, “Oh well, I’ve got the pattern, but what the hell.” A motorbike backfired, and I thought, oh well, I’ll just go for it. I said, “Have you got a motorbike like Dom?” I utilisedย this bit of joint information that I had. He said, “Yeah, I have.” I said, “Do you own a motorbike?” He said, “Yeah.” I said, “How did you buy your last motorbike?” He said, “Oh …” Heย started talking and then he told me about this motorbike.

The waiter came over and took our coffee order, but before that happened, in less than a minute and a half tops, I have elicited an enormous amount of information. I’ve elicited amongst other things, his motivational strategy, how he gets motivated, his buying strategy, which is what we’re talking about today. How he makes a buying decision. Actually how he’s convinced that’s the right thing to buy, and his reassurance strategy, which we need to run with vendors, so they’re not buyers remorse and everything, okay. All of that before the coffee is ordered.

If I wanted to sell something back to Paul, which I did, in the end, I know the order and sequence in which Paul buys anything. It could be this pen, it could be fourย properties. There is a way that he buys something, and it is consistent. I know the order and sequence in which he buys. Are you keen to find out how to do that? ‘Cos that’s pretty good, isn’t it?ย Oh good, we’ve got something here.

The twoย most powerful ways, which are quite easy for you to absorb in 25 minutes, is by their eye pattern, it’s what’s happening with their eyes when you are talking with them, and they are discussing things with you, and the second way is the words that they use. In other words, if you’re on the phone with somebody, you can still elicit it without having to see them.

05:30ย Eye Patterns

This eye pattern chart, let me explain it. At the bottom, it’s got a normally organised right-handed person. What I mean by that is, 80% of the population, if they are right-handed, this is how, as you look at the person, how they run their eye pattern chart. What’s an eye pattern chart?

It’s the way they process external information inside. If you’re to look at me, and I’ll hold this one up, and you’d say, “Charmaine, what carriageย did you get on the train, as you came here?” I actually do it quite exaggerated, but I move that pupil quite slowly, but I would look and go, “Um, the third carriage.” I would go and recall the information up here.

If you said, “How about … Next time we do this film, I’ll put a blue dress on”, I’d probably visualise it up here and construct it, so above the eyes. It’s easy to remember. Eyes looking up. It doesn’t mean that if it’s remembered or constructed at this stage, but it means they’re visual people.

Let’s say you’re with a couple, you show them around the house. One of them is talking to you. The other one isn’t. By looking at that person’s eye pattern, you can still work out how they’re processing information, and auditory is very easy. It’s where your ears are. So if you’re talking to somebody, your husband andย wife, she’s chatting about what she needs, and the husband’s saying nothing, but he’s looking from side-to-side, and you just happened to notice that. You haven’t seen him look up or you haven’t seen him look down, but you see him just glance from side-to-side. He’s probably accessing his information auditory. He hears information.

Then if the person is looking down, depending on how they’re organized, 80% of people are this pattern, as you look at them. If they’re looking down to the right, their feelings … There’s different types of feelings. The feel of something, kinesthetic. How you feel about something, theirย state. Their feeling. They say, “How I feel about this room. How I feel about this house.” They are feeling it. If they were to look down the other side, it means they’re doing AD. Stands for Auditory Digital, and it means it’s usually self-talk, first of all, and criteria, and details. Soย okay, they said the room is 4mย by 4m, and 6m, duh duh duh and they are running it through. They are going through the details.

07:45 Auditory VS Visual terminology

Why is this important? If you want to communicate back to somebody the way that makes sense to them … If you speak to my husband, who use auditory terms, he doesn’t access looking up, and if you’re to speak to me, I use visual terms. He said, “How does that look? Can you see what I’m saying?” It makes sense to me. That neurological, like a phone number would make sense, but to my husband I’ll say, “Can you hear what I’m saying? Does that ring a bell? Can you hear that? Does it sound right to you?” And I use auditory words to him. It’s incredibly powerful, because you’re now seamlessly communicating, exactly neurologically how that person processes information from the outside worldย internally.

08:23 The Power of Observation

The most important thing, the reason this is so powerful and so easy, is because as a sales person, it’s all about observing and having awareness what’s going on. If you hear any of my blogs, all I ever talk about is, as sales people often we’re inward focused about what we want to achieve and our targets and what we’re doing. The whole of sales need to be completely outward focused. “What’s my client doing? What are the things they’re looking at? Is this vendor going to come to me? Are they going to go elsewhere?” Watching them, and these eye pattern charts, I list in the buyer’s strategy, you have to be completely aware of what they’re doing. There’s no point asking a question and then glancing, because their eyes will have done it, so you needs to be really aware.

Does that make sense, the eye pattern chart? It’s incredibly powerful.ย If someone is not even answering you, let’s just say they think, “I don’t want to give away too much information,” I’m sure that comes across sometimes, “I don’t want to give away too much information,” but they’re sitting there and they are going through their eye pattern, you can really read what they’re doing.

09:22 Awareness of words

Awareness is the top thing when it comes to sound, and you can just keep drilling down, and drilling down, and drilling down. If somebody is there and they’re not saying very much, you can look at their eye patterns and you can still tell how they’re processing internally, so you can match back how they think. If it’s auditory, you might say, like I said withย my husband, “How does that sound to you? Does that ring a bell?” If they’re kinesthetic, “How do you feel about that? Does that feel right?”

You can often tell, they’ll walk into a house and they’ll touch something. Kinesthetic people got strong kinesthetic, can’t walk anywhere without touching something. They couldn’t cope at this desk, if there was no pen to pick up. It’s run high on their need to feel it. Auditory digital, not always quite, but they need to run their criteria through to themselves.

If you’re on the phone, obviously this is really powerful, because you can’t see their eye patterns, you can start to hear the words often. I will say in sales, this isn’t the important thing to focus on. In sales you need to be finding out, obviously, why they’re moving, where they’re moving to, what’s the drive, what’s the way of different reasons they’re moving, what’s important to them. Is it like coffee shops that they’re trying to set up, all the things that you normally ask. There’s a lot obviously happens before you put forward any sort of solution. While they’re talking, the more they do the talking, the more you’re getting different types of information, and you’re getting all of that information, plus they feel listened to, plus you’ll hear naturally these words come up. It’s no effort on your side at all.

You’ll naturally hear them say, “Yeah, I can see that. I can vision that. That’s quite crystal clear.” Then you’ll say, “Whoa, okay, this person’s just reeled off 3 vision words to me, which means if I show them around, I’ll say, ‘how does that look? Can you see that room working for your son? How does this gardenย look to you? Is this clear?'” You’d be using visual words back. It’s no effort. As long as they are doing the talking for most of the time, and you’ve got great awareness, it’s quite easy to hear the words.

What I don’t want you to do after this is to start staring at people in the face!ย Don’t try and do it in the mirror, as well, because everyone always go back home, they try and ask themselves a question, they look … You can’t do that.

11:38 Visual Words

Words areย very powerful, but neurologically make sense to them are “see”, “look”, “up here”, “view”, “show”, “dawn”, “reveal”, “eliminate”. You can have this pamphlet. “Twinkle”, “clear”, “foggy”, “focused”, “hazy”, “crystal”, “imagined”, “sharp”, “snapshot”, “video”, and on, and on, and on. They really believe powerful words that make sense neurologically to that person.

If you were to maybe … Oh my goodness, both of these couple that have come in, they’re both high visual. You might say, “How does this appears to me? Or birds-eyed view or this is clear cut, catch a glimpse of, eye-to-eye, get a perspective on, get a scope on. That’s a hazy idea, in light of, in view of, get a mental image. Getting a picture is very powerful for people that are visual. Let themย say to me, “I have a picture”, I’m like there with a picture. It’s a very, very powerful one, “have a picture”, or “let’s see to it”, or “let’s take a peek at what we can do”. It’s very, very powerful. So that’s highly visual. A lot of people you see, you’ll probably notice the visual people more, because it’s often more obvious.

12:44 Auditory Words

The next one is auditory. They might go, “Yeah, I hear you. I just want to listen to what you have to say. That sounds about right. It’s quite silent in here, isn’t it? Oh, that rings a bell with me. I just want to be heard.” You’ll hear them say these words, “resonate”, “outspoken”, “tell”, “announced”. Again, you can then feedback, only appropriately, when you’ve practised them, smooth. This is clear as a bell, outspoken. Does this ring a bell? Well, tell you the truth, this does this. Let’s tune in, you can tune out. That’s unheard of. This is word-for-word, what the person said. Let’s voice an opinion on that. I’ve got an earful of what that person said. I heard you, let’s inquire into, keynote, loud and clear, power of speech, call on.ย That makes total sense to a person whose primary way of accessing external information is auditory and neurologically makes sense to them.

13:41 Kinesthetic Words

Kinesthetic, there’s different types of kinesthetic. I’ve actually put them up here. It’s “feeling”, the “state” you’re … Feeling, you could touch something. An external feeling and an internal feeling. The state, so a happy state, sad state, a “tactile”, so the touch of something or the touch of someone, and “meta”. “Meta” means how do you feel about that. It’s how do you feel about moving, how do you feel about this property versus that property. You’re accessing.ย If you ask them that question, you’ll directly probably access that kinesthetic state. That’s a kinesthetic.

You might see them touch things when they come into the office, or when they go to a house if they are looking to buy, they’ll touch things all the time. They might say things like, “I feel, I’ll get a grasp, I’ll get ahold of,” or “That slipped through my fingers. The last house just slipped through our fingers,” or “Let’s catch on to what’s going on right now. Let’s tap into this house. I want to throw this out. Let’s turn this around quickly.” You’ll hear these words. They’re all feeling words, they’re all kinesthetic words. “I’m feeling concrete. This is a concrete scrape.ย Getting the huddle solid impression. Let’s touch base. Let’s touch base about this in a day.” If somebody says, “Let’s touch base,” it runs a high kinesthetic.

The sortย of sentences you can say back are, “all washed up, boils down to, come to grips with, connect, control yourself, cool, calm and collected, firm foundations, floating on thin air, let’s get a handle on what you want, hand-in-hand, hang in there, it’s heated argument between people, hold it or hold on, or let’s lay our cards on the table, I’ll pull some strings for you back in the office, sharp as a tack, all that slipped my mind, let’s start from scratch.” They’re all words that tap into kinesthetic.

Which means your primary way of discussing with somebody else… (So Zac just said that his one is kinesthetic) He’s the one who was going to say it, so your primary of … What we do, is we tend to think everybody else is motivated by what we’re motivated by, and our language is what we project out. You probably use a lot of that language on the people, which works very well on people that are kinesthetic, but of course, the wholeย of sounds is being able to have a complete awareness and then adapting your style to your client. That’s the beginning, middle, and end of sounds. You need awareness of what’s going on, awareness of the information they need to buy something or sell things, and then you adapt. Awareness of theirย language, internal programming they run, and then you completely adapt your style, so you deliver back your solution or your offering, in exactly the way that matches them. Not how you would do it to yourself, but what matches that person.


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Charmaine Keegan

Charmaine Keegan has spent 24 years immersed in the world of selling, and has a reputation for outstanding results. A trainer of NLP, she loves learning and embracing all new ideas. For more information visit smarterselling.com.au.