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Overseas job outsourcing surges as JobKeeper reduces

An Australian employment specialist says businesses struggling to remain profitable through COVID and this week’s JobKeeper cuts, are increasingly looking offshore to reduce staff costs.

Founder of Time 2 Outsource, Vish Uttam, said inquiries about employing overseas based staff have surged as companies and small businesses try and stay afloat and decrease costs.

The change in direction comes as financial experts predict a tsunami of insolvencies as government support reduces.

“It’s clear that businesses are looking at reducing one of their largest costs, which is wages,” Mr Uttam said.

“If you can employ someone in a virtual capacity who can do the same job at reduced rates, no insurance and half the holiday leave, why wouldn’t you?”

While his company specialises in virtual assistants, he believes other companies in this space would be experiencing a similar rise in demand.

“There is no point retaining all staff and going under, when you could look at outsourcing overseas now and rehiring local staff down the track.”

Mr Uttam has dealt with business owners through COVID who were apprehensive about outsourcing, as they were worried about the effect it would have on maintaining existing staff.

However he said many “realised it was an opportunity for existing team members to grow faster in their positions and take on more senior roles”.

He cited the example of a property manager having a skilled virtual assistant handle lease renewals, process tenant application forms and arrears, organise property maintenance, and prepare leases and entry notices, while the property manager concentrates on higher level work and bringing in new business.

“Now is the time to look at options outside the box which can actually help boost the economy,” he said.

For more, visit time2outsource.com.au

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