Mark Twain famously said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Have you found out why? Are you on-purpose or just going through the motions in life and business? Top mindset coach Jet Xavier reveals how you can tap into what truly motivates you.
As I travel around the world and speak to agents I see a common factor in those with low performance and unfulfilled lives: lack of purpose.
Regardless of the brand they are in or the skills they might have, an agent without purpose never reaches the greatness they deserve.
Without purpose it is easy to become unmotivated and directionless. Without purpose you succumb to the fears and do not withstand the challenges and obstacles that are part of the day-to-day business of real estate. Without purpose you never really make a difference and spend your life striving but never arriving.
It is not until you find your purpose and start living it that you really start to exist and have an impact. And by purpose I don’t mean an ever-knowing ‘why I’m on the earth’ purpose; I mean a day-to-day purpose attached to what you do and who you are.
“Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” – John F. Kennedy
It is very rare for somebody to know their life purpose. An artist or musician or doctor or politician or sportsperson might know, but for most of us ‘purpose’ is a moment-to-moment proposition that drives us to greatness in our lives and business.
My purpose at this moment in time is to wage war against average and be a catalyst for change in the lives of others, especially those in the real estate industry. This purpose drives me every day; it gets me out of bed and pushes me to be a better human. It fires me up to make a difference, aligns with my values and passion and gives me a reason to do what I do.
What is your purpose? Why do you do what you do? What is the outcome and aim of your purpose and how engaged are you in it every day? Try this exercise, which I have adapted from Tina Su’s ‘Life on Purpose’. Sit down and answer the 10 following questions to connect with your purpose and see how on-purpose your life is.
- What were you passionate about as a child?
- What is on your bucket list?
- What are your key values?
- What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies, projects, and so on)
- What were your favourite things to do in the past? What about now?
- What activities make you lose track of time?
- What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts and so on)
- What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
- If you could get a message across to a group of people, who would those people be? What would your message be?
- Given your talents, passions and values, how could you use these resources to serve, to help, to contribute?
“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So, are you living on-purpose? When you are on-purpose your values and passion align. You have a higher sense of contentment and fulfilment and you go about your life and business with enthusiasm and energy.
Being on-purpose also makes you a contributor to others. I said to a principal the other day that they don’t run a real estate agency; they run a dream factory that helps people realise their dreams. Now that is a greater purpose than just managing an office.
Live through purpose, not process.