LinkLearn: Why PMs should update to a full licence

Property managers are an extraordinary group, with skills and experience across business development, marketing, accounting, asset management, relationship management…and then thereโ€™s crisis and conflict resolution.

Many of these skills are learned at work, through work or for the purpose of work, but it can be difficult for property managers to demonstrate their value to potential landlords, or even potential employers.

So how do you stand out and get the recognition you deserve?

To understand what appeals to potential vendors or employers when they are weighing the worth of a property manager, you need to take a walk in their shoes.

For a potential landlord, it is difficult to distinguish what makes a good property manager. For a potential employer, itโ€™s even harder to differentiate between two โ€˜seniorโ€™ property managers.

One of the best ways to distinguish yourselfย  as a professional property manager is to bear a professional qualification. Becoming a Fully Licensed Real Estate Agent builds trust from your potential vendors and gives you the confidence that comes with professional personal branding.

Upgrading to a Full Real Estate Licence Qualification can be simpler than you might think. If you have experience working as a property manager, LinkLearn can recognise and assess the learning that you have gained during your work and help you with upgrading your professional qualifications without classrooms or exams.

If you arenโ€™t already licensed and youโ€™re struggling to get the recognition you deserve, head to LinkLearn.com.au/epm and speak to one of their career development officers to help you make your experience count.

For more information visit linklearn.com.au.

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