Elite Agent: Inspired Goals 2018

Once again, Elite Agent would like to thank all of our readers, commercial partners and contributors for their support in 2017. As the year draws to a close we asked some familiar faces about their goals for 2018; here are some snippets to inspire you over the break.

John McGrathJOHN MCGRATH Founder & Executive Director, McGrath Estate Agents
The four key areas for 2018 for me will be on talent attraction, agent productivity, digital marketing and social media, as I believe that growth in the near future will be connected to these key areas. You will either win or lose dependent upon how well you execute these areas.
Mark McLeodMARK MCLEOD CEO Growth, Ray White Group
First and foremost, my family is always the most important thing on the personal front. On the business front, to continue to understand the customersโ€™ needs and adjust our focus to suit; if our customers are not completely satisfied and we are not matching their needs as consumers change, we will be left behind. In 2018 we will continue to survey every customer that comes into the Ray World world, evaluating our offering from one customer to the next.
Adrian BoADRIAN BO McGrath Estate Agents
My goal in 2018 is to coach every McGrath agent in Australia to support them to reach their own personal and business outcomes. Working in the McGrath brand for 23 years, I feel I am intimate with our culture and DNA, and would like to โ€˜pay it forwardโ€™ through office training presentations and one-on-one intimate-style coaching. This will elevate awareness, and promote synergy and referrals amongst the network.
Sonya TreloarSONYA TRELOAR Ray White Bridgeman Downs
Since my husband and I bought the Ray White Bridgeman Downs office we have been diligent in ensuring that my brand and the Ray White brand are foremost in the minds of our community. Our community and the families we look after are very important to our ongoing success of our office. Iโ€™ll be aiming to continue to grow market share in my office and implementing social media as a key part of the marketing strategy. During the last six months we have had a key focus in this area with fantastic results.
Manos FindikakisMANOS FINDIKAKIS CEO, Eview Group
On the personal side, health, fitness and back to the 5am Club! We went right off the rails this year with this aspect of our personal life; the work/life balance went out the window (and weโ€™ve always been pretty good with that) so number one focus will be to get back on track. With respect to work, we are in a really happy place so our focus for 2018 is to apply what worked in 2017 and continue to grow our multi-brand network across Australia. Our goal is to double our network size in 2018 as we stretch for our big audacious goal of an Eview Group member agency in every suburb of Australia.
Nikki HornerNIKKI HORNER Luton Properties
In 2018 I am looking forward to re-launching my career in a completely new hood (Perth to Canberra) and also learning how to become a leading auction agent. Moving from an area where private treaty is king to a competitive auction market means I have a thing or two to master. Most of my challenges, as they do for most people, will come down to the battle of my mind. With a supportive family and new agency team, I have the tools; I just have to remember to breathe.
Steve CarrollSTEVE CARROLL REA Group Director Of Industry Relations, Founder Digital Live
I think 2018 will be a blockbuster year for business change. Understanding what Facebook, Amazon and a plethora of other disruptors are up to has to be a key priority for all business leaders in real estate. On a personal note, I would like to follow up the success of Digital Live 17 with two Digital Live events in 2018; my goal is to raise 50k for children from disadvantaged families to assist them with their digital education. In my new role at realestate.com.au, I think if we can work together with the industry thereโ€™s life in the traditional real estate model for many more decades.
Chris Hanley OamCHRIS HANLEY OAM Principal And Director, First National Byron Bay
Our main focus in 2018 will be on growing our team and coaching our younger and newer team members. We are also refreshing our brand and rebuilding our website, and we have developed a detailed new communication strategy for our company which includes new social media marketing and much improved digital communication. These areas are important because they are a way of engaging earlier with buyers and sellers in their real estate journeys.
Michael CarterMICHAEL CARTER Stone Real Estate Manly
My main goal for 2018 is to continue learning, growing, being challenged and levelling up in all aspects in my life. I am someone who always has to improve in whatever I do. I hate being comfortable and complacent, because when that happens you are not growing and reaching your full potential. You only have one life!
Gavin RubinsteinGAVIN RUBINSTEIN Ray White Double Bay
To have a significantly better and bigger year than 2017, because I am always motivated by progression. There are no shortcuts; itโ€™s simply hard work!
Lukas PedderLUKAS PEDDER Elders Real Estate Mildura
The focus for me is to continue to implement systems and aim to quadruple our business, because I want to provide for my family, travel through Europe and be able to enjoy more experiences like driving a Formula 1! My goals are to develop and nurture our team, prospect like a maniac and be super-controlling of my schedule.
Darin ButcherDARIN BUTCHER Wiseberry Heritage Gorokan
The Wiseberry Heritage Group have just acquired their eighth office at Lake Munmorah with another partnership formed between Renee and me, with long-time agent and sales manager Kimberley Burke and her husband Dean. This is the third partnership with key staff and certainly has opened the opportunities for the team for further expansion. Our market seems to be affected with turnover and for that reason our teamโ€™s connection with the community is vital. We are hoping to increase sales in a decreasing market to over 100 sales a month during 2018. Property management increased services implemented in late 2017; we expect to grow to over 2,000 properties, and if the right businesses are there to acquire we are ready for that as well. My tip for 2018: Treat the little things like they are the big things.
Leanne DrueryLEANNE DRUERY Gardian Real Estate
Since winning Transform Iโ€™ve expanded my team rapidly, with a PA and a buyers consultant to accommodate new business, and for personal reasons. On a healthy note my focus will be to do a half-marathon. Iโ€™ve only learnt to run since February, but I love challenging myself physically and mentally. 2017 has been the most confronting, tough and crazy year for me. But 12 months on I am proud to say that sometimes our most โ€˜Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinationsโ€™. Thank you Elite Agent Magazine, Mighty Mackay, Gardian and all my amazing friends and family who have walked this windy road with me!

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