Building a virtual real estate business: Jason Gesing

โ€œThey love us because they can really scale, they can work together, they can get outside of their own market and build a platform.โ€

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eXp Realty is a global cloud-based agency that has taken the industry by storm, with more than 22,000 agents joining the fold in North America and the United Kingdom.

As eXp entered Australia last year, Jason Gesing was named the company’s Chief Executive Officer.

We met up with him to go inside the virtual world and learn the growth story of eXp, how they have developed a winning culture in the cloud and to find out Jason’s top success tips for agents at every career stage.

“Don’t be afraid to change – everybody who’s at our company is here because they’re not afraid of change. If you’re not in the digital business generation space… I think overwhelmingly over time, if you want to be in this business and you want to remain relevant and remain successful, you’ve got to learn to adapt with it.”

Some of the topics I discussed with Jason include:
  • How Jason’s career as an attorney-led to an interest in property development and a passion for real estate
  • Working with founder Glenn Sanford for months before meeting in person
  • What it took to get the company from zero to a billion-dollar IPO
  • The evolution from “cute” technology that to a cloud powerhouse and how agents now use the cloud for productivity and efficiency
  • What eXp sees as the opportunity in Australia
  • The continuing strategy of attracting talent (rather than acquiring businesses)
  • How Stanford University and the Department of the Defence also use the virtual world to meet
  • The icon program and approach to training and developing agents
  • The employee share program and how agents truly own the company
  • How the company creates culture when it’s not belly-to-belly but avatar-to-avatar
  • Jasonโ€™s actionable advice, including the need to control your fears when trying new things.

Plus much, much more!


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Samantha McLean

Samantha McLean is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Elite Agent and Host of the Elevate Podcast.