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REIWA point to Qld’s example as the way forward for WA

The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia has commended the Queensland Government’s handling of the COVID-19 legislation, saying they have led the way in removing further restrictions from emergency residential tenancy legislation.

Now REIWA President Damian Collins is again urging the McGowan Government to do the same.

“The Queensland Government listened to all stakeholders, formed an advisory group and ultimately introduced fair legislation that provided protection to those in genuine hardship as a result of COVID-19,” Mr Collins said.

“This further easing is a sign that a balanced approach worked and their economy and rental market has made it through the worst of the pandemic.”

Mr Collins said the Residential Tenancies (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 should be amended so that it only applies to those in ongoing hardship

“WA’s economy is in a better position than Queensland, however their government have assessed the market and taken a more balanced approach in managing the expectations of landlords and tenants, which includes ending the ban on terminating tenancies on 30 September, 2020,” Mr Collins continued.

“Since the extension in WA was announced on 10 September, the REIWA Information Service team has been inundated with calls from landlords and tenants who have been negatively impacted by the government’s decision to extend the moratorium on all residential tenancies to the 28 March, 2021 and are looking for advice from the Institute.

“It is clear from the sheer number of calls to REIWA’s Information Service and the recent media attention, that unfortunately there is a significant number of West Australians unnecessarily disadvantaged as a result of the blanket decision to extend the legislation.”

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