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REIA backs Government’s COVID-19 tracing app

The Real Estate Institute of Australia has encouraged real estate professionals to download the Government’s new COVID-19 tracing app and play a part in tackling the virus.

The app, which would allow health authorities to trace who people had been in contact with quicker than manual contact tracing, has come under fire for privacy concerns, but REIA President Adrian Kelly urged the industry to download the app regardless.

“Privacy is not the issue here. There is no procedure manual for this virus,” Mr Kelly said.

“Our entire industry has been impacted by the virus and we must all pull together during these final stages to do everything we can to ensure its containment.

“All governments, both state and federal are to be congratulated for their efforts when comparing the impact of the virus with other countries.”

Mr Kelly said anyone connected to the real estate industry should download and use the app including salespeople, business owners, property managers, receptionists, tradespeople and even tenants, those attending inspections and property owners.

“Now is the chance for the real estate industry to play our part and defeat this thing,” Mr Kelly said.

“The app will provide added confidence for those inspecting houses.

“While protocols for inspections have been established by the state and territory governments, the tracking would bolster any trace-backs of other contacts, should it be needed and add to the speed of containment of coronavirus.”

The Government has said it will need at least 40 per cent of the population to download the app for it to be effective.

“Let’s step up, lead by example and knock this thing on the head,” Mr Kelly said.

“As an industry, and I include all our tenants and property owners, we are a powerful body so please, let’s do what needs to be done.

“Let’s play our part.”

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