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REIA Awards for Excellence cancelled

The recently postponed REIA National Awards for Excellence have now been cancelled completely for 2020.

President Adrian Kelly said, considering all the unknown factors of the coronavirus pandemic, it was the wisest course of action to take.

โ€œPostponing the awards until October is still too risky when we donโ€™t know what the future holds, particularly in terms of public gatherings and aircraft travel,โ€ Mr Kelly said.

โ€œWinners of each category will be announced this Wednesday, together with details on how they can collect their trophies.

โ€œThe REIA would like to acknowledge the hard work to date carried out by Quentin Kilian and his team at the Real Estate Institute of Northern Territory, who was to host the awards this year.

โ€œI congratulate the winners for their hard-work which has earned them their awards.โ€

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