Raine & Horne’s new foundation set to help fight homelessness

Raine & Horne has hit the ground running with its new foundation, announcing it has partnered with not-for-profit charity, Dignity, in a bid to tackle homelessness.

Launched recently, the Raine & Horne Foundation is the formalisation of the group’s social and corporate responsibility activities.

The Foundation will work with a number of charitable organisations annually and will be supported by contributions to the marketing fund by Raine & Horne’s 300 plus global network..

The new Foundation’s board will include Raine & Horne’s Franchise Advisory Council (FAC), Raine & Horne Holdings directors, Executive Chairmanย Angus Raine, andย Doug McCluskey.

“The Raine & Horne Foundation will now receive 10 per cent of the marketing fund annually with the express purpose of working with several selected charities. It’s an amazing opportunity for all Raine & Horne offices to contribute to the progress of Australia,” Mr Raine said.

“Raine & Horne has collaborated with many charitable organisations for almost 140 years, and the establishment of the Foundation formalises this support and will ensure we continue to be very strategic with the causes we support.

“We are launching the Foundation by supporting an outstanding organisation such as Dignity that is taking the fight to homelessness.”

Raine & Horne’s National Marketing Manager Anjee Hoptonย echoed Mr Raine’s sentiments.

“You only have to walk the streets of our capital cities and regional towns to see this tragic situation for yourself, which has been magnified over the last 15 months,” Ms Hopton said.

“It’s truly heartbreaking, and we want to do whatever we can as a real estate group to lend a hand by supporting the fantastic work of organisations such as Dignity.”

The Raine & Horne Group will also assist the Foundation, its offices, and its charitable partners with a significant investment in traditional and digital marketing assets and support, Ms Hopton added.

Founded in 2015, Dignity’s unique approach is underpinned by dignified care for people experiencing homelessness. Their goal is to help everybody, from a mum and her three-day-old baby to a 90-year-old gentleman.

The charitable organisation operates 14 guest homes, provides shelter for up to 180 Australians every night of the year, provides 10,000 meals a month and over the last six years has supported 65,000 Australians at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

Dignity CEO Suzanne Hopman said she was delighted that the Raine & Horne Foundation has chosen Dignity as its inaugural community partner.

“Raine & Horne’s partnership will provide us with the opportunity to support and empower even more people at risk of or experiencing homelessness to prevent, respond to and end their homelessness.

“By providing essential services, such as a safe place to stay, nourishing food and new clothes, we walk alongside people on their journey back ‘home’,” Ms Hopman said.

“We believe we can collaboratively end homelessness in Australia, our ultimate aim is to do just that”.

To help Dignity empower Australians experiencing homelessness, visit

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