Celebrity Homes

Pitch perfect penthouse: Rebel Wilson lists her luxurious Balmain home

Rebel Wilsonโ€™s luxurious inner-city home in Sydney is now on the market.

The Hollywood actress is selling her deluxe penthouse located in the trendy Balmain area of Sydneyโ€™s inner west, with an asking price of about $2.3 million, according to realestate.com.au.

Rebel Wilson is selling her Sydney apartment. Photo: realestate.com.au

Property records reveal that Wilson purchased the two-level โ€˜house-likeโ€™ home on Reynolds St in 2015 for $1.88 million.

The property offers a contemporary lifestyle with striking views of the city skyline and the Anzac Bridge.

This move comes nearly two years after Wilson sold her Birchgrove house on the Balmain Peninsula for $9.5 million, which was $500,000 above the price guide.

Rebel Wilson is selling her Sydney apartment. Photo: realestate.com.au

The Pitch Perfect star had also bought that home in 2015.

She made a significantly larger profit on the Birchgrove house, having purchased the Louisa Rd property for $3.76 million before undertaking a major rebuild that included a new three-level home with a lift.

Wilsonโ€™s current Reynolds St residence features two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and two car spaces across 156sq m of indoor and outdoor living space.

Rebel Wilson is selling her Sydney apartment. Photo: realestate.com.au

Additional amenities include an EV charging station.

The home is conveniently located within walking distance to the popular Balmain village and is situated in the former Lever Brothers soap factory heritage building.

CobdenHayson’s Anna Wilson and Matthew Hayson have the listing, with the listing description highlighting unique aspects of the property.

Rebel Wilson is selling her Sydney apartment. Photo: realestate.com.au

โ€œUnique in the landmark 100 Balmain heritage conversion, this house-like apartment is spread over two levels on the top floor of the boutique luxury development by Punch Park,โ€ the listing reads.

โ€œA high-end custom renovation captures the essence of quiet luxury with the upper level devoted to living space taking full advantage of dazzling views over the city skyline and Anzac Bridge.

โ€œBeautifully appointed interiors are wrapped in a choice of alfresco spaces but itโ€™s the private rooftop entertainerโ€™s terrace that steals the show with unobstructed views over the iconic cityscape that transform into a kaleidoscope of colour by night.

Rebel Wilson is selling her Sydney apartment. Photo: realestate.com.au

โ€œFeaturing level lift access to double garaging with Tesla charger, the two-bedroom residence is a heartbeat away from Darling Streetโ€™s village hub and a 500m stroll down to White Bay Brewing and harbour parkland with just one set of traffic lights to the city.โ€

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