Illuminated Signboards Light Up The Night

In today’s market, great ideas alone simply aren’t enough, but innovative execution can hand you a real competitive advantage. Nitelite, is a cutting-edge illuminated signboard by Printforce that offers round-the-clock visibility and features that maximise advertising space, improving the property’s exposure. Buyers can now see the full picture day or night with Nitelite’s edge-to-edge illuminated surface which uses environmentally friendly scratch-resistant technology.

Some of Nitelite’s features include:

  • Scratch-resistant, latex technology
  • Uses low voltage for safety
  • Round-the-clock visibility. Printforce Sales Manager

Raymond Cavecchia says, “These signboards look amazing 24/7. If you really want to gain some attention from the neigbourhood and passers by this is definitely the way to do it. The light really looks spectactular!”

Now available in four sizes, 4×3, 6×4, 8×4 and 8×6 the Nitelite is as versatile as you need to be.

For more information visit

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