Samantha McLean: Hey folks, back in the expo hall at AREC 2017. Right now I have the pleasure of Ray White’s number agent and an AREC speaker last year, Gavin Rubinstein.
Gavin Rubinstein: How are you doing?
Samantha: Gavin, welcome to the stand.ย How are you going?
Gavin: Thank you very much. Very well.
Samantha: What are some of your favourite speakers and lines been this year?
Gavin: I’ve got an enormous amount of value from it. I always love to look at ways in which we can improve our business. Take inspiration from other people’s stories.
To me, so far, Bob Wolff. That guy was another level. 64 years old, to have that energy, that delivery.
I think what was great about him is he keeps it so simple, which is how a real estate business and this whole industry should be. I got immense amount of respect for him. Plus, a lot of the stuff that he said resonated with me, because I could draw similarities to my business. I just hope I’m in that good a shape at 64.
Samantha: I remember interviewing Bob about seven years ago, and he said to me, “Look after the people, and the money will come.”
Gavin: A hundred percent. Golden rule in real estate.
Samantha: Even though we’ve got a whole lot more technology around us, that hasn’t changed a bit, has it?
Gavin: Not at all. And I think the basics will never change.
Samantha: Thereย have been a few good Ray White people on stage like Matty Lancashire.
Gavin: Matty’s unbelievable. Great to see and hear his story. I know he grinds very hard, and he’s got amazing for such a young guy to own two offices. I know he’s a great leader and developing some great sales agents.
But really good content. Stuff that is helpful, and I think that’s what this conference is all about.
Samantha: Picture this as your first AREC and you’re just starting in real estate again. What sort of advice would you give someone starting out in real estate now?
Gavin: I think you have got to shut out all of the noise and just work damn hard. That’s the key. You could talk about all of these tricks and you can wrap it up in a pretty bow, all sorts of fluff, but at the end of the day, hard work trumps it all.
I think too many people kind of get caught up in pose work and fake work, they don’t actually get their head down and grind consistently. I think that is oneย hundred percent the absolute key.
Samantha: How many hours do you work to achieve the results that you do?
Gavin: All day, seven days a week. If Sunday is not callingย – so if there’s not things to be done on a Sundayย – I’ll take that as an opportunity to have a rest for the week.
But I split my year up, if you like, into quarters. Usually, school holidays I use that as a period to go away, reset, recharge. But unbelievably efficient during the work periods when it’s time to work. I think it’s not just about the hours that are available to you in the day. It’s actually what you’re doing with those hours.
I strongly believe that, in a day of real estate, I would get throughย – no exaggerationย – what most agents would get through in a month. I one hundred percent believe that. You have got to use time productively, and I think the most important component to my business, and my teams as well, is time and energy.
It’s an energy game, number one. And number two, the difference between an agent and a practitioner, is a practitioner gets paid for their time.
Samantha: Speaking of events, you’re going to be running an event soon.
Gavin: I am. It’s called What It Takes, presented by Gavin Rubinstein. We’ve got Patrick Johnson Tailors, which is the people I get suits made from,ย giving away some free suits. Going to hold some competitions. It’s going to be a really fun day. I think the content I’m also going to be talking about is different to what I’ve done in the past.
Usually I’d cover off on part of my story and how I’ve gotten the business to where it’s at. We’re going toย get really, really practical on this day and go into running an auction process, to negotiation, to running an auction floor, to questions to ask buyers. Really, I want to give people the proper blueprint.
Samantha: Yeah. Absolutely. So it’ll be taking notes, actionable takeaways.
Gavin: Yeah. Big time. Big time.
Samantha: Okay. Is there a date yet?
Gavin: 13th of October.
Samantha: Okay, so 13th of October. You heard it here first. Tickets will be limited for this event. Full of practical takeaways from the number one agent, Gavinย Rubinstein, in New South Wales and Ray White.
Gavin: You’re too kind. Thank you.
Samantha: Thank you so much for joining us.
Gavin: Thank you very much. Appreciate that.