This quarter Console Cloud will launch its landlord satisfaction scoring tool, and with natural rent roll attrition hovering around 17 per cent per annum, it’s a feature many will welcome.
The new landlord satisfaction scoring feature is set to enable property managers to find out which clients are disgruntled and who their biggest fans are.
The tool will give property managers powerful customer intelligence to make better decisions with less legwork.
It could help them save unhappy landlords from leaving and help them generate referrals from those who love their service.
It’s also the first native feature of its kind in the property management software industry.
Console Cloud explained the tool enables users to instantly create a net promoter score (NPS) survey and send it in bulk to their landlords.
The NPS is a standard index used to measure how happy or not a customer is with services, based on how likely they would be to recommend a business on a scale of one to 10.