The ACT Government scheme which awards a land tax rebate to landlords who slash their tenants’ rents by 25 per cent has been extended until December.
Over 750 landlords are currently involved in the scheme.
โWe understand this is a difficult time for many Canberrans, particularly those who have suffered a significant reduction in their income,โ ACT Attorney-General Gordon Ramsay told reporters this week.
โWe are pleased so many landlords are taking advantage of these rebates so Canberrans who are struggling financially are not left without a home.
โHowever, I want to remind people that this is not a licence for tenants to completely forgo their rental obligations. If you are not impacted financially by COVID-19 and can pay your rent, then you are required to do so.โ
This is in addition to a freeze on rental increases, a moratorium on evictions, and the ability for tenants to “terminate their agreement by providing their landlord with three weeksโ notice and evidence they have been impacted by COVID-19.