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REIV: Melbourne is prepared for new COVID restrictions

As Melbourne returns to stage three lockdown, local real estate agencies are feeling a sense of deja vu – which, luckily, makes them well prepared to deal with the recent shift in fortunes.

โ€œReal estate in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire will continue to service the community with online inspections returning along with online auctions,โ€ REIV President Leah Calnan said.

Inspections and auctions in regional Victoria are unaffected, and will continue to observe 20 person limits and social distancing.

โ€œVictorian real estate has always been more than willing to do anything it can to help fight the coranavirus pandemic,” Ms Calnan continued.

“The essential transaction of property and shelter will go on in a safe and controlled manner.

โ€œWe ask all buyers, vendors and tenants to discuss the details with their agent. It is important that we all work together to curb the spread.”

Ms Calnan praised the way REIV members “stood up to the plate” earlier in the year, when the stage three restrictions were enforced.

Further online training, guidance and support is being provided by REIV.

โ€œ We are well-drilled and ready to take on the next six weeks of restrictions,โ€ Ms Calnan said.

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Nathan Jolly

Nathan Jolly was an in-house journalist with Elite Agent. He worked with the company from July 2020 to December 2020.