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Pets, provisions, periodic leases: the proposed changes to WA Residential Tenancies Act

Ahead of an upcoming review of the WA Residential Tenancies Act, REIWA has released a list of policy options they hope will “help reinvigorate the rental market”.

While they state that few aspects of the current rental legislation require “a complete overhaul” and that it is “generally working well,” they have outlined the below seven key policy options:

  • Maintain the right to choose between a fixed or periodic tenancy.
  • Preserve a lessor’s rights to end a periodic tenancy without grounds, if necessary.
  • Encourage pets in rental properties without limiting a landlord’s right to determine the suitability of the property to house pets.
  • Ensure compliance with current housing standards without creating additional red tape.
  • Protect both landlord’s and tenants’ interest by requiring consent before modification to a property.
  • Ensure disputes are handled quickly, fairly, and efficiently in the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT).
  • Maintain the current hardship provision for those seeking to break-lease.

“The focus of the review should be to increase the number of choices available to both landlords and tenants within the current framework,” explains REIWA President Damian Collins.

“With any increase to a tenant’s rights must come with an increase in their responsibilities, together with benefits to the landlords to ensure a fair and balanced outcome for all parties.

“Given that 96 per cent of all rental housing is provided by investors, a system that encourages investment to facilitate the supply of private rental housing and ongoing affordability for tenants is required,” Mr Collins said.

“Therefore, it is essential that any changes to the RTA do not negatively impact landlords or their appetite to invest in residential housing.”

View REIWA’s full submission here.

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Nathan Jolly

Nathan Jolly was an in-house journalist with Elite Agent. He worked with the company from July 2020 to December 2020.