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NSW Fair Trading issues clarification on mandatory COVID-19 Safety Plans

After issuing an article on COVID-19 requirements for agents under the Public Health Order last Friday, Fair Trading has been asked by industry stakeholders to provide clarification.

We have republished their article below, with the clarifications made by Fair Trading in bold.

COVID-19 Safety Plans are now mandatory for open homes and auctions from 19 September 2020

Itโ€™s important to keep up to date with the amended Public Health Order and restrictions to ensure the safety of clients and the public, and to avoid COVID-19 related compliance action.

Agents should be aware of:

The COVID-19 Safety Plan for Auctions and Open Houses. It is now mandatory for agents to complete a plan for all auctions, open homes or other inspections, or viewings, of a property.

Agents should have either a digital or printed copy of the plan available at the premises, or place of auction, to present to Fair Trading or other authorised officers conducting inspections under the Public Health Order.

The COVID-19 Safety Checklist for Auction and Open Houses. These are the minimum mandatory requirements that an agent must address when completing their COVID-19 Safety Plan.

The option to register as a COVID Safe business. While not mandatory, we highly recommend you register so you can download or display COVID-19 Safe posters or digital badges to let customers know that it is safe to visit. By registering, you will also receive updates affecting your business.

Licensees who do not have an active COVID-19 Safety Plan can face a fine of up to $5000.

NSW Fair Trading will be conducting inspections and, over the next week, inspections will focus on providing further education about these requirements. This will allow time for property professionals to adjust and develop their COVID Safety Plans.

However, from Saturday, 26 September 2020, Fair Trading inspections will focus on compliance and enforcement of the public health order.

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Nathan Jolly

Nathan Jolly was an in-house journalist with Elite Agent. He worked with the company from July 2020 to December 2020.